Legal tip 1002. Crowded Legal Battle against mortgages on illegal properties. Come and join us
Thursday, August 1, 2013 @ 10:18 AM
We, at CostaLuz-De Castro are starting serious study of cases where mortgages were granted by a Bank on houses with no Licenses. Either Work or First Occupation License.
We want to study and analyse the degree of liability of Banks, but also of Notaries and convenyancing lawyers on this disasters.
Any idea, experience... is welcome.
By the way... Keith Rule is also on this boat with us!
Cheers and Feliz Verano
Ps.- For Spain to be a 100% safe country to buy a property.
We will sign and publish this work as a commun work of everyone involved and supporting the fight. We will be giving also shares of the benefits to those of you collaborating under certain requisites. It is a crwod-studying and battling

Tarifa, Cadiz, Southwestern Spain, by Costadelaluzvideos at Facebook