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Legal tip 1008. Law on Foreign investments in Spain. Bit two
Saturday, August 17, 2013 @ 11:31 AM

From Projected Act on Enterpreneurs and Internationalization. To be passed this coming Autumn

Article 60. Residence visa for investors.


1. Non resident foreigns who intend to enter Spanish territory in order to make a significant capital investment may apply for entry visa, or if applicable, residence for investors.


2. Be understood as significant capital investment that it meets any of the following circumstances:


a) An initial investment equal to or more than 2 billion euros in Spanish government bonds, or purchase equal to or more than a million euros  in shares of  Spanish companies, or bank deposits at Spanish financial institutions.


b) Acquisition of real estate in Spain with an investment of equal or superior to EUR 500,000 per applicant.


c) A business project that will be developed in Spain and is considered and credited as of general interest, for which  the performance of at least one of the following conditions will be valued:


1. º Creating jobs.


2. º Making an investment with relevant socio-economic impact in the geographical area in which the activity will develop.


3 º Important contribution to scientific innovation and / or technology.


3. It will also be a significant capital investment when this is made by a company which is established  in a  territory which is not considered a tax haven according to Spanish law, and the applicant foreign owns, directly or indirectly, the majority of the voting rights and has the power to appoint or remove a majority of the members of the Company board.

Cala Encendida, Conil de la Frontera, Cadiz, Southern Spain, at Facebook

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