These licenses are intended for works that are characterized by their simplicity and low technical and economic and constructive entity, usually consisting of simple repair works, decoration... which does not require a signed technical project or high budgets.
In no case involving restructuring, distribution or substantial modification of Structural elements, they are minor works such as paving the ground, retiling the roof, bright ads...
There are three types of minor works:
Informed: This is not a license. They are works that are not subject to license or payment of fees or taxes on buildings, facilities and works. They include grading work, plot cleaning, interior work that does not involve changes to ceilings, pillars and to the distribution of the building, extraordinary window decorations....
Works subject to licensing and to pay Construction, Equipment and Works tax but not to pay the Local Council’s fee : included are: plastering, stuccoing and painting of facades, balconies, projections, repainting of shutters, doors; fences changing of doors and windows, re-roofing not involving the structure, placement of exhaust and ventilation ...
They are minor works, subject to the obtaining of license, payment of Local Council fee and of the tax for Construction, Equipment and Works. Includes front eaves, light box signs, closing of hollows of doors, balconies or balcony-window, window hollows, bumps on the sidewalks to facilitate access of vehicles...
Now... for your eyes:
By Maria L. de Castro

Tarifa dunes by CHODABOY at