Communities of owners that go to court will pay reduced judicial fees (0.1% instead of 0.5%).
The reason is that they have no legal personality.
This is what it has been answered by the General Directorate of Taxes, (Spanish Treasury), to the General Council of Property Administrators, in response to a binding query about this matter.
It will mean an important saving for every community of owners.
For example, if a neighbor challenges an agreement of the assembly by an amount of 8.000 euros and because of the kind of case he must pay 300 euros, with a percentage of 0,1% he would have to pay 308 euros whilst with a percentage of 0,5%, he would have to pay 32 euros plus.
According to the General Council of Property Administrators, in 2012 the Communities of owners suffered a debt of 1.600 millions of euros, so most judicial proceedings are started owing to the debts of the owners.
The reason: the so-called “crisis”.
These good news will help a little to the communities of owners in their daily lives, sometimes, difficult daily lives.
By excellent legal assistant, Manuel Guerrero.
Please contact us if you have questions!

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