Legal tip 1031. Astonished on conditions set by Bank to sell property!
Thursday, September 19, 2013 @ 9:51 AM
Astonished, yesterday, when a member of the Costa Luz Lawyers team was assisting a buyer, (foreign buyer), at the Notary. He was buying a property from a Bank. Sabadell.
Together with coming to the Notary without required documents such as certificate of updated payments to Community of owners and IBI ( Local Council Property Tax), Sabadell wanted us to give up our clients rights and actions in regards to possible future hidden deffects of the property and lack of quality/ energy efficicency!
They came of course with these clauses at the very last minute and trying to "impose" them on us. What a....!
Of course we did not sign the purchase deeds.
The most impacting moment was when the lady acting for the Bank explained to us that agreeing to this blind purchase was all we could do, taking into account the Bank was selling the property at such a low price!!!!!!!
Banks keep thinking they make Law. So degrading, I am still astonished

Trebujena, Cádiz, South western Spain, at