Legal tip 1032. Do not rush into signing a deposit contract
Thursday, September 19, 2013 @ 12:14 PM
I am so glad!
One of my favourite clients ( need to confess), as he was suffering a serious illness and touched my heart when we assisted him for cancellation of the contract. He contacted me today. He is quite recovered and buying again in Spain!
After yesterday´s experience and seeing the deeds the Bank wanted the buyer to accept, I am also very glad he has come to us at early stages of the buying process ( before signing the deposit contract), so we can fully advise him from the beginning.
Why am I saying that? Because yesterday´s client ( that whom the Bank wanted to crush) came AFTER signing the deposit contract and therefore, being already tied up in a big extent by clauses that have been agreed there. We are trying to better off her position in the purchase the much we can but... it is going to be much more difficult than is she had come to us from the very beginning.
Do not be blinded by low prices to the extent of buying without rights.
That´s why, please remind a golden rule ( FIRST LAWYER, THEN DEPOSIT CONTRACT). We wrote a long post on the importance of deposit contracts a long time ago!
This other article on the significance of deposit contract might be a good piece for you these times too.
Banks playing their games again! I thought they have learnt!
Medina Sidonia, Cadiz, South western Spain, at