Legal tip 1051. Deposit contracts by Banks
Monday, October 21, 2013 @ 3:09 PM
It seems they are trying to avoid the rule of the 1454 of the Civil Code, as many developers made during the Real Estate Boom.
1454 of the Civil Code establishes that if you, buyer, breaches the agreements made in the deposit contract ( that are mainly on completion of the purchase by Notary deed at an specific time) you lose your deposit AND if the seller breaches it, it has to return twice that amount.
Banks want buyers to have the penalty for breaching but want to avoid equivalent penalty for themselves.
Only argument by the agent is that... " it is what Banks have included in their standard contracts"
I have just contacted Consumers National Authorities on this. Let´s see what their opinion is.
This, in addittion to asking the buyer to renounce to hidden deffects liability of the seller.

Dawn in the Strait of Gibraltar, at