Legal tip 1085. Remote working positives and negatives
Monday, December 16, 2013 @ 3:17 PM
Source: EL DERECHO, with data from GONZÁLEZ-POSADA MARTÍNEZ, E. El Teletrabajo, Junta de Castilla y León, Valladolid, 2006, p. 30.
Translated by CostaLuz Lawyers
- More flexibility and productivity.
- Less costs
- Better worker´s selection.
-Transformation of traditional systems of Workers Management.
-Crisis for médium- managers.
-Against control and suprevision.
- High formation costs.
- Less sense of belonging for the worker.
- More autonomy and independence.
- Less stress and costs
- Better relationship rest/ work or family/work
- Better opportunities and qualification.
- Better work environment.
–Less profesional development.
–Delimit profesional life.
–Unbuild free-work time.
–Less Work safety.
–More precariousness.
- It brings territorial distribution.
- It favours decentralization of activities.
- It increases job oportunities.
- Less relocation costs and negative effects of these.
- More social scattering.
- It increases disparities.
- It increases work deprotection.
- Higher investment in technology
In my opinion, many of the negatives can be easily improved and they are seen as negatives now just becuase several Human resources, Management tools have not been developed yet, but they will soon. In some occassions are just part of the naturally human fear about new things.
People-oriented managers wil be able to develop the necessary tools to cover those lacks related to personal and professional enrichment of workers, work safety, sense of belonging...
Self proactive, well committed workers will be first to be selected.

Park - Parque del Campo Grande, Valladolid, North western Spain, by Marc, at