If you have an apartment, villa, bungalow or similar in Murcia region and the company who deals with the renting of it:
- Use publicity for the marketing
- Gets to rent it in two or more occasions during a period which exceeds one month a year
The company needs to:
1.Be classified by the Murcia Tourism office and have a distinctive sign at the gate of the clients attention office.
2. Offer full and right publicity on classification of the apartment
3. Have all units registered at the tourism department of the Murcia Consumers Region under sanctions below. To communicate to this Authority any change which would make the classification to be changed
4.Have the corresponding claims book available
5. Maintain units in good conditions for their use
6. Inform users on conditions and prices of services included
7. Offer users a telephone number for the manager to be contacted
There companies can ask for a reservation deposit
Owners of apartments need to have an insurance to cover professional indemnity
Tenants will be included in a registry with specific mention of their personal identification data and dates of arrival and departure. Owners will provide to Tourism regional authorities information by answering a questionnaire which will be periodically sent to them... This measure is just for statistics reasons.
Schedule for occupancy will start, unless otherwise agreed, at 17:00 of the arrival day and will finish by 1200 h of the departure day.
The units will be made available in full conditions for occupancy (maintained, operational, and clean) so that immediate use is possible.
Users are obliged to the legally required prescriptions related to the correct use of the apartment.
Fines: Infringement to what is established in this Decree
Murcia Tourism Act 11/1997 establishes fines which goes from 1000 to 150.000 and professional disqualification
"ENTRADA DEL MEDITERRANEO", Mar Menor, Cartagena, Murcia, Eastern Spain, by Alfredo Miguel Romero, at flickr.com