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El blog de Maria

Your daily Spanish Law reporter. Have it with a cafe con leche.

Legal tip 1197. Happy conversation with a happy client
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 @ 1:08 PM

Just gof off from a phone conversation with a client deciding about going against the Bank. It was a very learning experience. It taught me that some clients need a voice on the phone, not just emails.

She is preparing a list of questions ( she was very neat, precise and reasonable on the questions she made) so I can use them for my clients care commitment with her--- not all clients need the same--- and for the benefit of other customers.

Law Firm clients care: we are keeping the passion up and doing new efforts of imagination and service. It is a very enriching experience. People are always, need to always be FIRST.


Bottlenose Dolphin jumping in Tarifa, Cádiz, Costa de la Luz, South western Spain, by, at

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antifreeze said:
Thursday, August 28, 2014 @ 9:26 AM

There is immediate response to a human voice, to be re-assured. There is too much dependency on emails - not even hand written letters these days....the result is not the same when you have many questions and problems to deal with.

Talking - you can sound out, listen and respond - that is what we should be doing - the world is too busy to talk and that creates other problems. People who are desperate, rarely write on the computer, they need a human voice to save them.

Thank you Maria.

mariadecastro said:
Thursday, August 28, 2014 @ 9:31 AM

Thank you Antefreeze. I like and endorse your comments!


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