Information obtained from the UN´s International Labour Organisation
Government Programmes in Spain - Women’s Institute
The Women’s Institute offers the following employment programs for women:
Vocational Training and Education for Women:
a. “NOVA” – Innovative Training Courses for Women
i) Management and Planning of Human Resources
ii) Management of the Environment
iii) New Communication Technologies
iv) Administrative Information Technology
v) Graphic design and Layout
vi) Facilitating training for the elderly
vii) Family mediation
viii) Agent for Equal Opportunity
ix) Nurse’s helper with training in Alzheimer’s
b. “CLARA” – Programs for Women in the process of social or labour integration
c. Courses for Professional Occupational Training
d. Seminars for Orientation on Job Searches
Support Programs to Encourage Business
a. Program for Support for Business and Women – financed by the Fundo Social Europeo and the National Institute for Labour
b. Program for Help in Work “Female Entrepreneurs”- co-financed by the Fondo Social Europea across the Marcos Comunitarios de Apoyo.
c. Program for Management Directed by Businesswomen and Female Entrepreneurs – a collaboration between the Fundación INCYDE (Instituto Cameral para la Creación y Desarrollo de la Empresa) and cofinanced by the Fondo Social Europeo.
d. Program of Business Management Training- a collaboration between the Instituto de la Mujer con la Fundación Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI)
e. Programs for Financing and Protecting Businesses
f. OPTIMA Program – Profitability of human capital in businesses.Considered Best Practice by EU Its objective is to introduce equal opportunities for men and women in the business world given the Action Plans
Programmes aimed at Labour Officials and technical personnel
Sensitisation and Dissemination Programmes
a. PROMOCIONA project for local systems of equality of opportunity – created by the Institute for Women – executed jointly until 12/04 by the Servicio Galego de Igualdade, la Dirección General de Formación del Principado de Asturias, la Fundación Asturiana de Atención a Personas con Discapacidad (FASAD), el IMSERSO, la Organización de Mujeres Empresarias y Gerencia Activa (OMEGA) y la Federación de Empresarias de Galicia (FEGA), la Universidad de Oviedo y la Fundación para la formación, la Cualificación y el Empleo en el Sector del Metal de Asturias.
b. OMEGA : Courses in training for women
Conciliation of private and personal life, managing work teams, effective presentations, Social manner and communication
c. Since 1990 there has been an agreement that the Institute for Women's Issues in the
Ministry of Social Affairs will cooperate with the Ministry of Education in holding an annual course to encourage the involvement of women teachers in the new technologies, a field in which women are under-represented.
d. In addition, the regional Catalan Institute for Women promotes the pilot programme called Don@euromediterrània project, which has the goal of providing an opportunity for the visualisation and diffusion of significant experiences of good practice in equal opportunities, while at the same time generate and promote a greater interchange of ideas and information in this field. The website presents a collection of gender equality projects undertaken during the period 1996-2000 within the partner countries of Spain, France and Italy, based around five thematic areas:
i) Mainstreaming integration;
ii) Equal opportunities in education, professional training and the job market;
iii) The harmonization of professional and family life;
iv) The entrepreneurialism of women;
v) Decision making at all levels.
e. Institut Català de la Dona.