Legal tip 1212. Spanish Judge protecting those who suffered
Friday, October 3, 2014 @ 1:23 PM
I am sure you all already now, but wanted to remark as it is a good new to finish the week with: a judge in Almeria has awarded €135,000 € in concept of moral damages to three British families who bought illegal homes a decade ago in Albox.
So proud of many judges in our country applying Law for the protection of individual- goof faith people, who once felt in love with Spain.
The Judge even expresses in his ruling that he is sure that these homes will be legalized in a time frame that depends on administrative procedures. Always not as quick as we needed them to be.
Excellent that diverse actors involved there are being made liable (developers, architects and Local Council)
Congrats to Gerardo Vázquez, who we have the pleasure to know for years now and who is an excellent lawyer

Albox, Almería, South eastern Spain