Legal tip 1228. Legal help to mortgage debtors in Spain 1
Monday, November 10, 2014 @ 11:02 AM
We are producing this month a number of posts on possible solution when any of you faces problems with mortgage repayments.
It is not essencially necessary but I recommend you to hire a lawyer for this.
First set of solutions consist on possible offers to the Bank:
1. Dación en pago: Keys back to the Bank
2. Negotiate an interest-only period. Just advisable for a short period of time
3. Deadline extension: to amply period of repayment to 10 or 20 years more
4. Bank change: You might find another bank with better conditions for your repayments
5. Default updating: To negotiate a special payment plan for bringing your mortgage up to date.
If you are paying a mortage on a property with no license, a more sophisticated legal solution is necessary. PLease contact us if you want to know on this.
The aim is for as many of you to be able to stay in Spain. We need YOU!

Cathedral Santa María la Real of the Almudena, at