Legal tip 1298. Fines for renting out my property in Spain?
Thursday, May 14, 2015 @ 2:23 PM
I have heard there are coming fines for holiday landlords in Spain. Should I register and pay taxes when renting my Spanish house?
Yes…. Important. It seems Tax Inspectors are acting upon those individuals who, in an “opaque” way rent properties online to the tourism sector.
Inspection is also on tourist companies that do not meet their tax obligations properly
The Tax Office will also focus this year on the so-called ‘dual-use software’, used by certain businesses to hide sales and manipulate accounting as a step to distort their tax returns. To combat these practices, Hacienda will enhance their presential interventions in companies and will act through a nationally coordinated plan, which will be specially focused on those economic sectors with direct sales to final consumers.
So, if you have a property you rent in Spain through tourism channels, it is necessary that you check on legal and tax obligations. Tax obligations are uniform along the country but legal obligations vary from region to region.
We, at CostaLuz, can perform a free initial advice to you on your legal needs; you just need to contact us.

Salares, Axarquía, Málaga, South eastern Spain, at