Legal tip 1302. Turning my commercial premise into my home
Wednesday, June 3, 2015 @ 2:46 PM
Can I turn my commercial premise into my house?
A lovely NY loft style… at a ground floor in Spain!!!!!. Is it legal ?
Supreme Court has recently accepted this as legal. Commercial premises can be turned into a home: with the limitation of obtaining the corresponding license of habitation from the Local Council
Supreme Court has established that the change:
(1) does not alter the community of owners’ shares
(2) does not alter common elements.
Prohibition to this need to be registered in the Land Registry so that it is effective against third parties
Do not forget that:
1) License of habitation is always required.
2) This does not apply for transformation of storage into a home
3) Change can never produce alteration in determining community shares in the Community of owners
4) If there is collective energy expenditure, the change use should not alter volume of use either.
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Callejón de las Flores, Córdoba, South of Spain