Legal tip 1317. Banks condemned to refund on illegal mortgages
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 @ 3:46 PM
It has been so refreshing to read these Court Decissions among recent Case Law in Spain:
1. Bank condemened to annull second guarantees which were set-- by Bank imposition and the safeguard of just its own interests-- on properties which were being bought by individual buyers in an off plan process. Refunds to buyers of non duly amounts to be made by the Bank. Applicable to those of you who are paying an extended mortagge which was imposed on you after you signed the off plan private contract. We have several cases like these among our clients. Good to have this recent Court Decission.
2. Sale cancellation for planning problems ( illegal properties) produces the cancellation of the linked mortgage. Useful for those of you who are paying a mortgage on an illegal property.

Zuheros, Cordoba, South of Spain