Legal tip 1350. Disabled persons and Social Inclusion Act in Spain
Thursday, December 3, 2015 @ 2:17 PM
Today, 3rd in December is the International Day of disabled persons and second anniversary of currently enforceable law for this matter. This Act has the following leading principles:
Respect to dignity , to independent life, equal opportunities and universal accessibility
Fields where law is applied are:
1-Telecomms and information
2- Public urbanized areas
3- Urban Planning and infrastructures
5-Goods and services available to the General Public
6-Relations with Public Administration
7-Justice Administration
8-Cultural goods
Law sets certain compulsory changes and adaptations which are subject to a calendar
Law also includes a chapter on rights of disabled people, mentioning in an specific way: health, integral care, education and employment, social protection, independent life and participation in public events.

The Spanish Team in the Paralympic Games, Londres 2012