Legal tip 1354. Tax reductions in Gift Tax in Andalucía
Thursday, December 10, 2015 @ 4:35 PM
Starting a business or buying a property being promoted through this Gift Tax reductions in Andalucía
1. Special regional reduction if recipient is acquiring a company, a professional practice or company shares.
If recipient has been working for the company and have management of administration responsibilities in the same
2. Special reduction if recipient is investing those amounts in acquisition of first residency
Being máximum reductions:
- 120.000, for recipients under 35 years old
- 180.000, for handicapped recipients, with a handicap level of at least 33%.
- Reductions when money is used for the creation of a company or professional practice in Andalucía.
Being máximum reductions:
- 120.000
- 180.000, for handicapped recipients, with a handicap level of at least 33%.

A street in Cordoba, south of Spain