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Legal tip 108. 2007 Spain Consumers Act. Part 1
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 @ 1:37 PM
We are starting today a serie of tips which will make the translation of the current Consumers Act in Spain….
By the way... if you find it all already translated in another website, just let me know to go to a different and unpublished topic!
Cheers for July!
Article 1. General principles
For the development of provision 51.1 and 2 of the Spanish Constitution, which, in accordance with provision 53.3 of same text, is a legal principle for the foundations of the legal order, this Act is to establish the legal protection of consumers and users by the National State.
In any case, the defence of consumers and users will be in the context of the economic system designed in provisions 38 and 128 of the Constitution and subject to the provisions of art. 139.
Article 2. Scope
This Act applies to relationships between consumers and users and business owners.
Article 3. General concept of consumer and user
For the purposes of this Act and without prejudice of what is expressly provided in its third and fourth books, consumers or users are natural or legal persons acting in an area outside a business or professional activity.
Article 4. Meaning of employer
For the purposes of the provisions of this rule is considered the employer, any person or entity acting in the course of their business or professional activity, whether public or private.
Article 5. Concept of producer
Without prejudice to art. 138, within the meaning of this rule a producer is the manufacturer of the good, the provider of the service or its broker, the importer of the goods or services within the European Union, and any person who appears as such in the good, whether in packaging, wrapping or any other element of protection or presentation, or in its service name, trademark or other distinguishing marks.

Trafalgar lighthouse in Barbate ( Cadiz), Spain by Chodaboy at
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