Legal tip 110. Spain Consumers Act. Part 2.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 @ 4:13 PM
Following the fun serie on Consumers rights in Spain since 2007:
Article 8. Basic rights of consumers and users.
The following are basic rights of consumers and users:
- The protection against risks that may affect their health or safety.
- The protection of their legitimate economic and social interests, particularly against abusive terms in contracts.
- The compensation for and repair of damages.
- Access to accurate information about goods or services, and education and outreach to learn about a good or service´s use, consumption or enjoyment.
- The ability to consult and participate in drafting general provisions that directly impact them , as well as access to representation of their interests through legal partnerships, associations, federations or confederations of consumers and users.
- Protection of their rights through effective procedures, especially in situations of inferiority, subordination and powerlessness.
Article 9. Goods and services for common use.
The public authorities shall protect the rights of consumers and users when they are directly related to goods or services for common, ordinary and generalized consumption.
Article 10. Inalienability of the rights granted to consumers and users.
The prior resignation to the rights that this law recognizes to users and consumers is null and void, as are those acts which were perpetrated fraudulently, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the Civil Code.