Legal tip 116. Spain Consumers Act. Part 6
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 @ 11:11 AM
Your rights for fair promotions, devolutions, and a good level of customers services.
PROTECTION of legitimate economic interests of consumers and users.
Article 19. General principle.
The legitimate economic and social interests of consumers and users must be respected under the terms established in this rule, being also applicable all contained in civil and commercial Law and any other applicable EU, national or regional legislation.
Article 20. Promotions.
The use of contests, sweepstakes, giveaways, coupons, prize or similar methods related to the offer, promotion or sale of certain goods or services shall be subject to specific regulation, establishing the conditions of transparency and ensuring that should occur in their case the protection of the legitimate economic interests of consumers and users.
Article 21. System of checks and customer service.
1. The system of verification, claim, security and opportunity to surrender or return established in contracts, should allow the consumer or user to ensure the nature, characteristics, conditions and use or purpose of the good or service; to effectively claim in case of error, defect or deterioration; to enforce the guarantees of quality or level of services provided, and to obtain a refund equal to the market price of the good or service, in whole or in part, upon default or defective performance.
The refund of the product price will be in full in case of lack of conformity of product with the contract, as provided in Title V of Book II ( of this same Act)
2. Office and information services and customer services that companies make available to the consumer must ensure that this have proof of his grievances and complaints. If such services use telephone or electronic means to perform their duties, they will have to ensure a direct and personal attention, beyond the possibility of using other complementary means.