Legal tip 118. My child has an otitis: what are my rights in Spain?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 @ 11:57 AM
As a minor age foreigner, your kid has same rights as any spanish national for the treatment of that otitis. So you basically need to go to the next " Centro de salud" ( the old called " ambulatorios") and ask for a medical urgent visit. Just bring yours and your kid´s identification card.
You have got rights for the medical visit and for the prescription of medicines ( also supported by the Government), so..... those anthibiotics will cost you much less than going through the private medical system.
Below is the article ( number 12) of the Foreigners Act that provides such wonderful rights: Spain is different, yes.... Spain is very nice in terms of health assistance too.
A doctor friend of us has always said that Spain has the best Public Health system in the world.... yes, please, please allow to me this little bit of self-proud.
Best summer wishes,
Provision 12. Right to health care of foreigners in Spain
- Foreigners registered in the local census of the town they usually reside , have right to health care under same conditions than Spanish nationals.
- Foreigners being in Spain for a stay have right to public urgent health care if they contracted any serious illness or suffered an accident, whatever the cause might be. They will have right to the continuity of that health care till they are discharged.
- Minor age foreigners being in Spain for a stay have right to health care under same conditions than Spanish nationals.
- Foreigner pregnant women being in Spain for a stay have right to health care during the pregnancy, delivery and post partum.

Painted by " Fresco Technique" Balcony, Barcelona ( Spain) by ** Mary** at