Legal tip 147. Two refunds today... and "to all lights"
Monday, September 21, 2009 @ 9:49 PM
Yes, well, we are sending a couple of cheques of refunds to clients today.... I wanted to post this just to alleviate those afflicted by our lost last week... as it has been a very much read post!
We are determined to go to appeal before the Provintial Appeal Court in Malaga and to the Supreme Court in Madrid, as the amount of the trial object allows us to appear before the High Tribunal in the capital city
It is, " to all lights" ( direct translation of "a todas luces": spanish expression which means evident from every angle you look at it) an unfair decission with no room for consumers rights and protection already awarded by Law and Case Law.
The Judge in Marbella wants our client had signed without First Occupation License! and still do not know ( even being law since 1977) that publicity is part of the contract.
We will keep you posted on this as the case advances. If we need to go to the Supreme Court, it will be very challenging as it will bring to us the oportunity to ask the high honorable Judges what is the interpretation of some articles of the popular law 57/68. There is no previous doctrine by the Supreme Court on this yet.
Have a good night!
Ps.- I am now addicted to these fights! You are guilty of this!
Autumn in Caleau ( Asturias), Spain by Caliateu at