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El blog de Maria

Your daily Spanish Law reporter. Have it with a cafe con leche.

Legal tip 155. Consumer rights to direct understanding of the contract.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 @ 6:23 PM


Provision 10.1 RD 515/1989 of 21st April 1989 sets a  prohibition for contract clauses to relate or refer to texts or documents which has not been previously or simultaneously provided to the consumer.
Sounds familiar? Hum... yes those clauses refered to Work License or First Habitation licenses for setting a completion deadline: abusive: null and void.

Consumers, at the contract moment needs to have all elements to allow a direct understanding of the contract clauses. Concreteness, clarity and simplicity: characteristics which are obligatory for every contract with consumers.
The equality of the contract parties is a prerequisite for the justice of contracts contents and one of the imperatives of legal policy in the sphere of economic activity.
As always: Consumer Law: the best way to appease the sometimes furious and brute market.
Autumn in Gerona ( Cataluña), Spain by Elsemiguel at

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