Legal tip 181. A house in exchange of a Bank Guarantee
Monday, November 16, 2009 @ 9:59 AM
If you are interested in obtaining a mortgage loan to purchase a home, it is likely that the financial institution will offer more favourable conditions if the house is part of its property portfolio.
The two pathways that Banks are currently using to sell their large stocks are:
- More flexible criteria for funding: lowest differential rates and less costly commissions.
- Implement price reductions ranging on average between 20% and 30%.
Developers believe that this action by banks and savings banks constitutes unfair competition. Well... they might still need to make an effort in prices-downing.
A client wisely asked me the other day ... Would the Bank agree to pay me with a house in exchange for the amount they owe me by the execution of my Bank Guarantee? From what we are seeing: sure, is a matter for negotiation.

El Retiro de Madrid de Marga Castillo at