On last 30th in October in the South Korean city of Busan, it was held the World Forum organized by the OECD on "Statistics, Knowledge and Policy" to discuss the report prepared by the so-called Commission Stiglitz on "The Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress ". How I would have liked attending! , but hey, we were here in Algeciras trying to make the legal defence of English-speaking foreigners in our country a sustainable reality. 
This commission is led by two Nobel Prize economists: Joseph Stiglitz and Amartya Sen, being the coordinator Jean Paul Fitoussi. The central matter of discussion was the still open debate on the current practice of using GDP (Gross Domestic Product) as the statistic indicator for measuring wealth and progress of a country. The need to reach a consensus on what constitutes "social progress" was remarked.
The Stiglitz Commission report notes that the official statistical agencies should develop indicators that reflect not only material wealth but also its distribution. It also notes that the family, leisure time use and other concepts such as security must be analyzed and measured as part of a country's social development.
Without any doubt, the discussion was influenced by the experience of our current crisis. Who has not come to sense in recent months that we had a crazy and wrong path? These are the good fruits of the crisis that, while painful, are almost always necessary. After- crisis- times are perfect to set the axis and the centre of our steps on the person.
And I think… what about the entrepreneurs who built much of the social fabric? Before the end of this 2009, we would seriously take a reflexion on:
- Our policies to reconcile work and personal life
- Ecological Marketing
- Flexibility and teleworking
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Climate among employees
- In essence: Is our company really making our staff member’s lifes better, fuller lifes? And not just in the financial sense…
Again, person, human beings, at the heart of our busineses and enterprises. As an entrepreneur, I am sure everyone wins this way. The company earns in staff commitment, involvement, fluency, and ability to resolve conflicts, stress management, attendance… Knowing and acknowledging our staff-members makes the river of creativity and productive work to flow with strength and harmony.
Animo, animo, animo ... you think it is not, but it is 150% worth it.

Calendula by Martius at Flickr.com