Legal tip 188. Notaries control on corruption
Wednesday, December 2, 2009 @ 10:35 AM
From now on information requirements to the central Office of Prevention of Money Laundering (OCP) of the General Council of Notaries shall be made by automated means, not in written as it has been being done so far. The chief Prosecutor of the Public Prosecutors National office, Antonio Salinas Casado and President of the General Council of Notaries, Antonio Ojeda Escobar, signed yesterday a cooperation agreement between both institutions to do so.
The agreement is born with the desire to contribute 'with the maximum possible intensity to combat the social evil which represent phenomena such as money laundering, economic crime and corruption', as the president of Notaries said, Antonio Ojeda.
In future dates, the General Council of Notaries will enable a web platform to channel the information requirements made by this office. To provide the system with the maximum guarantees of safety, the Notarial Certification Agency (Ancert), an entity organized in 2002 by the General Council of Notaries, will deliver corporate e-signature certificates for the correct identification of the prosecutors who make a request.
The current rules on money laundering determine that notaries have the status of obligated in preventing and combating money laundering. As a result of this, notaries have increased in recent years the amount of information they give to the authorities.
Free translation by Maria L. de Castro of new posted in business journal Cinco Dias, 2-12-2009

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