Legal tip 193. Spain money laundering control praised
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 @ 11:26 AM
The Council of Notaries of the European Union has highlighted as good practice the experience of collaboration in the fight against money laundering by the Spanish notaries, courts and government bodies involved in this matter.
As explained in the latest issue of its newsletter, Notaries of Europe, the Spanish notarial experience through the implementation of the OCP (Centralized Prevention Authority ), 'has served to channel and optimize the collaboration between Notaries, Courts and Public Authorities with responsibility in this field in Spain, and to assist notaries in meeting their individual duties'.
According to the European publication, the OCP has the task of analyzing and reporting on behalf of the notary in question, on operations where there is evidence or suspicion of money laundering.
Notaries also highlights that the agency's technical staff is responsible for reviewing the information contained in the Notarial Computerized Single Index, which electronically stores and sorts the contents of all the deeds that are signed Spain.
The existence of the index, -says the newsletter of the notaries- can collate information of all notaries in the country, while fully respecting the Spanish data protection legislation.
(New translated from Financial Journal Five Days, 08-12-2009)

Christmas tree. Paseo de la Castellana, Madrid, SPAIN, by j.labrado at