Legal tip 194. Edict on EveMArina SL insolvency
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 @ 10:15 AM
Edict published in the National Official Gazette on the 17th of November
Commercial Court No. 1 of Malaga pursuant to Article 23 of the Insolvency Act, announces:
1st-That in proceeding number 1075/2009, by order of 30 October 2009 the debtor Eve Marina SL has been approved as in insolvency status. The company has as tax identification number: 92,222,421 and its centre of main interests is in Malaga province.
2nd-That the debtor has been suspended to the exercise of faculties to administer and sell its patrimony, being replaced by the Insolvency administrator.
3rd-That creditors of the company need to communicate their credits to the Administrator according to provision 85 of the Insolvency Act.
Deadline for this communication is of a month from the last of the publications that has been ordered to be published in the Official Gazette.
4th-That the creditors and interested parties must appear in the procedure with a Procurator of Tribunals and a Lawyer (provision 184.3. Insolvency Act). Notice is hereby given to interested parties that according to provisions 184 and 185 of the Insolvency Act must attend first section and register their credits in fourth section and advised that they must do it in two different writings. Submitted a single letter stating the credit, will be implied that they are just reporting the same.
Malaga, November 5th, 2009. - The Judicial Secretary

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