Maria´s Christmas post
Friday, December 25, 2009 @ 8:38 PM
Those old times are over....
New ones are coming, they are almost here, we just need to be wise and brave enough to fully inmerse us and our projects in this refreshing pool: cooperation, common good.. social character of every institution, of each one of our proffessional projects. Real interest about the human dignity of every one around: that is future, and not just because today is Christmas day.
Healthy, growing, balanced benefits will come out of this: no doubt. Just look to those which were the deeper aspirations of your good grandma heart... those genuily human: the only ulitimate force: how warm, happy and strong we were close to her!
Economy is to serve humans and not the contrary: what we have been doing for years and are still doing: human serving a wrongly understood economy, which has been sustained by a very purposedly loose leading of the finantial forces.
Yes, let´s celebrate it is time to party, time to new dances, time to look to the future above and beyond the narrow horizons that the old-fashioned finantial system has been keeping for years...
A merry Christmas to you all!
Please, with all my respect towards non believers, non Christian readers, please allow me to post two gifts to you: an article and a Christmas Carol I am enyoying as I write this post.
Let me give also give to you a warm hug and wish you deep best for the 2010 year:
The Carol here
The article here
Felices días de Navidad!

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