Legal tip 209. A tip if you are still interested on buying in Spain
Friday, January 8, 2010 @ 9:13 AM
Now that Banks and Saving Banks in Spain are starting to think they would better be in the mood of selling properties at a real price, they are putting balance to the market they, mostly them, unbalanced during the boom. Nature is wise. After the storm, clean and balanced air always comes: that is what we need to be looking for, in terms of financial strategies for the correct development of society. Even in Spain when recovery still has a long and tough run to do.
Law also needs to make the effort to stablish some healthy frames for the future of this XXI century which, being the century of globalisation, need to look to the future of our brothers still under developed, for the benefit of all. Win-win schemes, cooperation, generosity. Globalisation for individual ultra-benfits has already proved to be a disastrous approach, so... let´s turn globalisation to this other way.
Again, some philosohpy... I am sorry! Now: a practical tip:
For you, property claimers without Bank Guarantees in Spain: if you are still interested on buying in Spain in the future, a tip for the 2010 to take today:
Contact the Bank which financed the development you put deposits on, that Bank which was under Law 57/68 article 1.2 obligation to secure on the existence of Bank Guarantees, and try to deal for a property at a real, real good price. If they refused, that petition may at least be the start for the judicial application for liabilities under the said article.
Have a great weekend!

Snow in Madrid by Natalia Romay at