Legal tip 212. More women in charge
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @ 10:34 AM
More and more professional women are occupying top positions within companies.
In today´s Cinco Dias Journal , Cecilia Taieb Walch, associate principal of Michael Page Executive Search, estimates that in "this year there has been a 45% increase in the hiring of women executives”.
Ariadna Cambronero, managing partner of the Barcelona Law Firm Uria Menendez, Law Proffessor, also states in the same Journal today that the 70% of her students are female.
This is the same experience that I had when I last attended a course organized by the Chamber of Commerce of the Campo de Gibraltar which were mainly attended by Law students of the area. I entered the auditorium, rose my head to see where to get a seat and suddenly it came to my mind a picture of the female elementary school I attended as a child: all women, only women. I was so surprised that I asked the girl sitting next to me in low voice on this and she, without the slightest hint of surprise whispered back to me that: “ In Law School almost all are girls… the boys do Training Courses".
It is true that once these students reach proffessional maturity , the profession will be mainly carried by women, in ten years ... I reckon.
The important thing is that women, in our professional field do not give up what is proper for us and our particular way of looking at problems and reality: integration, flexibility, cooperation ...
Have a great Wednesday!

Taken close to Ibón de Piedrafita, Spanish Pyrenees by Tochis at