Business tip 8. Golf events organiser company: low expenses involved
Friday, March 19, 2010 @ 1:56 PM
Forming a business for the organizing of golf events.
With over three hundred golf courses, Spain is the first destination in Europe for the practitioners of this sport.
Business contacts related to Golf are very frequent too. It is also a good channel to develop relationships with customers. The high education level of its practitioners and the average purchasing power of their followers, reveals the reason why many large companies, join their names to the sport.
Organization of private tournaments tailored-made has become a good business idea. This activity entails: sponsorship of golf tournaments at private clubs, organizing of competitions and business meetings, golf courses at different levels, arrangements of private travels to various courses. These can also manage accommodation, transfers between golf courses, airports…
Taxes and Social Security requirements
1) If the activity is developed by an individual person: the taxpayer must register and pay tax on the Group 854 "Experts in organization of congresses, assemblies and alike” and sign up as a self-employed person.
2) If the activity is developed by a company: the taxpayer must register and pay tax on the 989.2 "Services of organizing conferences, meetings and alike". In this case a Limited liability company needs to be formed.
By Jesús Castro