Legal tip 258. Law + Network for Spanish Courts
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 @ 1:47 PM
The Ministries of Justice and Industry will develop Ius + Red ( Law+Network) Program
The program will lay the foundations for technological development under the Strategic Plan for the Modernization of Justice 2009-2012.
This agreement provides for the possibility that the regions with authority for Justice can subscribe cooperation agreements to co-finance activities in the procedural field and regarding interoperability and distribution.
Also, the National Government will fund the actions arising from this agreement to be implemented in those regions without authority in Justice.
In addition, it seeks to join forces and move forward on a consensual basis and throughout the whole country, towards a model of agile and technologically advanced judicial administration which will provide further and more effective services to the citizenship.
I do bet for a technologically advanced Justice in my country, I am sure we will very soon be there. Your claims on this have been necessary and are necesary... keep them coming.
(Diario Juridico, 20/04/2010)
Isla de Tarifa (Cadiz) y gruas del Puerto de Tanger (Marrocco) al fondo; by Chodaboy, at