Philosophy, human resources and balanced management are the matters which capture the most inner of my personal and proffessional heart.
Life requires from me right now to practise Real Estate Consumers Law for english speaking clients in Spain, and I adore the human, social-renovation, pro-person, avant-garde characters of the fight which you discover as you go more and more genuinely into ordinary people´s need and expectations..... but again... what I really like is philosophy.
I was reading today this article post on Legal Today by Dominguez and Guiu, I am extracting the sentences which brought food to my heart and my mind today. I do hope you will enjoy them too:
"To have internalized proffessional values and to live a proffessional life with integrity is more important that the formalism of swearing or promising them the day of the oath of allegiance".
"This is just achieved if partners ( meaning partners of a Law Firm) are humble, conscious of their obligation for improvement, have the adequate proffesionals and count with the determination and convicction to achieve the improvements "
"When a Law Firm has a solid brand id because it has been able to gain the trust of the market and attract the type of clients it once decided it wanted to attract . Brand is a proffesional life insurance"
It is true that when a proffessional has solid internal values to give expression to, the concerns about how to manage, how to delegate, how to deal with clients, how to strength the team, how to distribute benefits, how to schedule... decreases in a great sense and everything gather an inner coherency which gives an unstoppable strength to proffessional life. This is then forwarded to the life of the company.
In my opinion, this is the only real solution to company crisis and .... financial crisis too.
So the real battle needs to be in the area of proffessional values, commitment and coherence.
Anyhow, I go back to the legal matters! Hope you all have a good day!

"Atlanterra and Barbate at the end and Vejer de la Frontera on the top of the mountain", by Luis Lopez-cortijo.