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El blog de Maria

Your daily Spanish Law reporter. Have it with a cafe con leche.

Management tip 11. PostCrisis Values: simple proposals V
Monday, June 7, 2010 @ 2:29 PM

Today´s:  Order.

A quote by a great person: "Good order is the foundation of all good things" Edmund Burke

But... hum... never forget that sometimes order requires a little bit of mess, that order is a mean and not a goal and that every person has a different sense of order.

When stablishing order rules in the company or the team you need to take into account all workers´personalities, talents and inclinations.... this way you will find the order system that really matches the life of the company. One team-members can breath through...

Always avoid to be an order fundamentalist as you can kill the life of the team.

More to come tomorrow!

The CostaLuz Lawyers team

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