Legal tip 302. Congress pressing for keys back to Banks.
Thursday, June 17, 2010 @ 5:08 PM
The Commission for Housing of the Spanish National Congress approved yesterday (PSOE voting against it) a bill (agreed between PP, ERC, IU and ICV) which gives three months to the government to assess the required regulatory reforms in order to allow foreclosures to be completely settled with the handing back as payment (dacion en pago) of the mortgaged house.
PSOE expressed his radical rejection to this measure ( through his spokesman, Higinio Almagro) The rest of the groups gave their endorsement to the proposal, defended by the ICV deputy Joan Herrera and promoted by the Platform of People Affected by the Mortgage.
It was also agreed a draft for the extension of the period of the moratorium in the realization of savings accounts to buy first residencies for one year more: until December 31, 2011.
Really good news!
Next one to come: on Clarification of Bank liabilities related to the lack of Bank Guarantees 57/68!! why not? come on!
By Maria L. de Castro

Grazalema ( Cadiz) by Jose Luis Chacon Cordon at Facebook