Legal tip 322. Banks´arrogance and Law 57/68
Tuesday, July 27, 2010 @ 12:14 PM
I just read this post in Kyero today, and was wondering if this scenario: Bank´s ultra-arrogance, will change once first strong Court decissions stating their liabilities out of provision 1.2 of Law 57/68 start coming out. I am sure it will.
So, lawyers, judges... come to the battle! : the good health of our economy needs it.
Banks, with their irresponsable over-credit have been the origin of all the disasters related to off plan purchases during the boom days.
Banks, with their irresponsable immobilism, are now being the cause of the current semi-stagnation of the market.
Why can they be in this position? Because we are allowing them to be.
Yes, if we start asking them for liabilities out of provision 1.2 of Law 57/68, we will see how their position change. Now, they have all the rights and no liabilities, all the control and this is stealing life to the market.
There is no other alternative for the correction and balance of this field but to start acting 1.2.
Come and make our company on this.

Paseando (Tarifa, Cádiz) by Roberto Pecino at