Legal tip 327. Farm houses- a business and a home
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 @ 11:39 AM
An old spanish farm to be refurbished.... a dream: a way of living and a business.
It seems that you english, plus french, belgians and northamericans are the main buyers of these type of properties in Spain these days.
We are starting today a number of articles on the necessary legal checks for buying this type of properties.
A quick list:
- Land classification
- Ownership title of seller: charges, encumbrances, possible rights of heirs...
- Refurbishment rights on built elements
- Possibilities for new elements to be built
- Preference rights of Natural Park or adjacent owners
- Access rights
- Irrigation rights
- Well rights
- Dividing walls rights
- Easement rights and obligations
- Telecommunication access rights
- Catastral and IBI verifications
I am sure you are going to enjoy this serie... and who knows?... maybe any of you finally make the decission on moving to Spain. As always, first thing to find is a good, independent lawyer of your trust different to that of the estate agent of seller.
Best wishes, Maria

A view from the train near Ronda by Roberto Pecino at