Legal tip 329. Publicity is part of the contract and Murcia Room 5 Case Law
Monday, August 9, 2010 @ 12:35 PM
It is interesting that in the most recent treaty on Consumers protection, published by Dykinson and copyrighted by Proffessor Carlos Lasarte and the National Institute for Consumers of the National Deprtment or Health and Social Policies, two out of the five exmaples of case Law on this topic are from Murcia Appeal Court (Room 5).
There are of course many other examples of this legal obligation ( Publicity is part of the contract) on both regulations and Case Law: from a 1977 Supreme Court Decission to the most recent Consumers Act, dated 2007 where it is explicitly stablished the linking character of precontractual and publicity contents.
Provision 61.2 of Current ( 2007) Consumers Act says:
"2. El contenido de la oferta, promoción o publicidad, las prestaciones propias de cada bien o servicio, las condiciones jurídicas o económicas y garantías ofrecidas serán exigibles por los consumidores y usuarios, aún cuando no figuren expresamente en el contrato celebrado o en el documento o comprobante recibido y deberán tenerse en cuenta en la determinación del principio de conformidad con el contrato."
[ Contents of the offer, promotion or publicity, specifications of every good or service, economic and legal conditions and guarantees offered will be requirable by consumers and users, even if they are not expressly mentioned in the contract or in the receipt and will hev to be taken into account when determining the principle of conformity with the contract".]
It is so good Appeal Court, room 5 in Murcia is applying Law so rightfully!
Best week,

Valdevaqueros beach, Tarifa, Costa de la Luz, Cadiz by Roberto Pecino at