Legal tip 341. Nice paragraph by the General Council of Judicial Power in Spain
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 @ 4:34 PM
It has been nice, to receive today a letter in answer to one of our claims to the General Council of Judges in Spain.
It was about the slow speed of a Court in Murcia,
They say they have now given a boost to the judicial procedure refered n our claim and also, - this is in our opinion the nicest part of the letter- :
"Nevertheless, your claim has allowed the General Council of Judges to know on your valuable perception of the problem and to contribute this way to boost the process for the modernization of the Justice administration which is being undertaken at present moment with the comprehensive reform of the judicial offices in order to establish good levels of quality, management efficiency and use of new technologies"
So.... keep suggesting and claiming please. We all need to contribute!

Faro de Puerto Atunara by Roberto Pecino at