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Legal tip 342. Banks defaults as guardians of Law 57/68
Thursday, September 16, 2010 @ 6:34 PM


It could be accepted  the responsibility of the depositary bank for off plan purchases quantities, ex Article 1.2 Law 57/68, although the promoter does not open the Special Bank Account prevented by this Law 57/68 provided that:

The amounts deposited in ordinary Bank accounts were known, or due to be known, by the bank as off plan purchases advanced amount.  This knowledge by the Bank is drawn from documents relating to the development and financing of the work, such as, among other ones:  

 -Reservation or sales contracts,  pre-contracts…

-Banking:  credits to developers, payments to suppliers, building permits….

-Known facts: including the name or emblem of the Bank in pre-binding documents or in advertising  material used by the promoter…

The Bank will know the destination of payments by buyers, with total possibility if it happens that it is  same entity which grants the mortgage for the buying of the land,  mortgage for the building of the complex ….: in all these cases, it is clear the association between building and financing.

We cannot forget the inalienable character of rights contained in Law 57/68 in favor of the buyer and the watchdog role of compliance with the guarantees that the law assigns to depositors banks and savings banks.

It is uncontroverted Case Law that the obligation for the opening of the account is not of the buyer and the  fact that money was not deposited in this special account cannot be opposed by the  guarantor in order to avoid the guaranteeing obligations. Banks also cannot use this argument to absolve themselves of responsibility ex Article 1.2.

Flores by Roberto Pecino at


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Julio said:
Friday, September 17, 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Maria, can you please cite the case law you mention? I'm sure that many other distressed purchasers will be able to benefit from this information.

Thank you


Maria said:
Friday, September 17, 2010 @ 12:54 PM

Yes, I am sure too

Julio said:
Friday, September 17, 2010 @ 12:59 PM

Maria, thanks for your reply.

Please let us have the case law you mention, as I have recently come across a few purchasers without a bank guarantee, and this approach is surely interesting. We would be grateful if you could post it on this same blog post.



Maria said:
Friday, September 17, 2010 @ 1:02 PM

I prefer you emailing me as will have to add some important explanation to the same/ attach documents....
Please email me to:

Brian Semmens said:
Monday, September 20, 2010 @ 7:12 PM

Banco Santander did not protect my deposit despite the fact that I only opened my bank account after being introduced to the director of the bank by my developer and after discussion of the advisability of having a Spanish account while my house was being built (not built) so that later payments could be routed via this account.

I agreed to open an account with them in order to make the initial deposit transfer from my Portuguese account into my new Spanish account.

Fortunately my builder is still solvent so I am due to get my money back directly from him, but I was more than willing to issue proceedings against the bank if the builder was not able to pay.

Banks here need to "step up" and accept their role as "watchdogs" and "honest brokers" in this process

Brian Semmens said:
Monday, September 20, 2010 @ 8:13 PM

Banco Santander did not protect my deposit despite the fact that I only opened my bank account after being introduced to the director of the bank by my developer and after discussion of the advisability of having a Spanish account while my house was being built (not built) so that later payments could be routed via this account.

I agreed to open an account with them in order to make the initial deposit transfer from my Portuguese account into my new Spanish account.

Fortunately my builder is still solvent so I am due to get my money back directly from him, but I was more than willing to issue proceedings against the bank if the builder was not able to pay.

Banks here need to "step up" and accept their role as "watchdogs" and "honest brokers" in this process

Sally said:
Tuesday, October 5, 2010 @ 2:54 PM

I have posted before regarding our ongoing court case over our bank guarantees on two apartments in the Greenhills development. We have been waiting for years and have now heard that our case will be heard again next July 2011 has anyone won a recent court case. We lost in Marbella, won in Malaga, back to Marbella and still waiting - any further information would be appreciated

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