Legal tip 350. Lack of Bank Guarantees. Banks´responsability. Case Law.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 @ 9:41 AM
Most relevant Case Law for claiming Banks responsabilities due to the the lack of Bank Guarantees in off plan purchases was issued by the Higher Court of Justice in Navarra in 2008 and states, among many other important things:
It is the developer who needs to deposit amounts in the special account.
The receiver Bank must demand the developer to unequivocally mention this account in the purchase contracts.
The receiver Bank must also demand the developer to deposit money in those accounts.
The Guarantee fully and completely covers all amounts the buyer proves to have paid in advance for the building of his house.
A rencet Court Decission ( June 2010) by Alicante Appeal Court make same statements.
Let´s keep moving ahead!

Inside Villa Capistrano, Nerja, Málaga by Roberto Pecino at