Legal tip 376. Proffessional liabilities of conveyancers
Monday, October 25, 2010 @ 6:05 PM
In answer to some people concerns on the viability of action 1.2 against Banks.
If the necessary details for action against Banks out of provision 1.2 of Law 57/68 are not in place, there is always, of course, an action to whoever acted on your behalf as conveyancer if they did not do everything in their hands for the existence of Bank Guarantees.
We do think it is more according to Law 57/68 to proceed against the Banks first but....
of course, negligencies by any other actor, who, being under professional duty of care regarding the existence of Bank Guarantees proves not to have secured all the necessary avenues, is open. Of course it is open.
We need to be accountable as proffessional people: fully accountable. How can we prosper and progress as a society otherwise?
Best wishes to you all,
Maria L. de Castro

Jerez de la Frontera gardens by elarequi61 at