Legal tip 386. Disqualification of Social Housing VPO
Thursday, November 4, 2010 @ 1:13 PM
The disqualification of a Social housing supress all limits to free trade of the same.
This disqualification can be applied for on a voluntary basis once the deadline stablished in the applicable regulations is met.
Any aid or grant received by either National, regional or local administration will have to be returned to the corresponding administration plus legal interests accrued since reception of aids.
The Housing Office of the Region with jurisdiction on the house will have to issue a report on the justification of the disqualification.
Applicable Law
- RD 2114/1968, regulations on Law for Social Housing. RD 3148/1978, Royal Decree on housing policies
- RD 727/1993, Price of Social Housing developed by private companies
- Specific Regulations of Housing Plan with regards to every specific house.

Sevilla Alcázares by asw909 at