Dear friends of EyeonSpain:
I woke up today with the idea of writing and sending a Christmas letter to you all through my blog. It is not that I could be someone special with something really new or different to tell about or to comment on, but yes, I consider myself someone who, deeply believing in God and in the trascendent nature of the human being, live these days with an effort to joy and hope and with an special attention to the messages that times and people around are sending to us for the bettering of our reality. Trying to see what is the portion of risponsablçility I am called to play.
That´s why I missed dressing my kids up as shepherds this morning ( I left it to a devoted father who will be, of course, sending pictures to me along the morning) and came to the Law Firm for every day´s battle in your favour. I know that we are driving a mission ( every company needs to have one, and most importantly: know what this is) and this is leading the energies that my little family left to me. Thanks to Luis, my husband, these are enough and good enough. Thanks again as always Luis.
I can see how citizenship is more conscious than ever about the needs for leading changes in society and because of the times we are living in, they are now paying attention to the financial world. In order to get out of the chaos that this all could seem to the eyes of most of us, we need to make the effort to understand how finances has been focused and understood during the last decades and see that benefit was missplaced in a wrong place. I trust on the good intentions of the creators of this system at the beginning, but playing with especulative benfits out of the value of a symbol ( money) always requires a very high grade of specialization, risponsability, prudence, balance and sobriety.
The new chapter of the History of finaces needs to be decidedly, transparently and bravely played in favour of human beings. All on the planet. First task for us to do is probably an examination on what people, persons mean to us. Second exercise is for sure of optimism, trust and courage. In the philosophical level it is important to become clearly aware of he fallacies of the now old fashioned and fallen economic and financial systems just focused on monetary growing.
Anyhow, it is clear that we, citizens, armed with values inherited from the best of our traditions, in the most noble sense of the world, need to lead the changes that we are expecting. Within a frame of tolerance and respect but with firm and clear convictions need to put people over benefits for the welfare of we all.
We, human beings have a donation-al or donation made nature, it is the way we are born and brought up.:just putting this idea in the center of our education, social, cultural, politic, economic and financial understandings is simply enough.
Anyhow.... need to go back to emails and clients assistance but most truthfully and heartedly wishing to you a Merry Little Christmas!

Pic by
John Curley at