Legal tip 419. This crisis is the bright future of Spain
Thursday, December 30, 2010 @ 12:17 PM
Oh yes! what we see now as our failure and our problem it is our future.
During the last decade Spain created a huge amount of residential houses, in a big extent leaded by the foreign, northern european demand : units for sun, retirement, golf and beach.
The economic and financial moment ( fruit of an uncontrolled over expansion promoted by the crazy financial guys) does not fit the need of occupancy of those properties for the final kick in of the projects but, listen!....... this non perishable goods will be the main source of economic activity for big extensions of the Spanish territory in the future. No doubt.
Ana Patricia Botín, president of Banesto is a fan of reinventing the tourism and second residency model as a most important formula for early new employment rates in Spain. I am utterly with her on this.
We Spaniards need to work side by side with our european friends, most of them residents or willing to reside in these sunny lands, so much in love with our country, for achieving good levels of proffessionalism and competitiveness: all for the same project for the benefit of all: simple, unifying. As Botín understands, this will be possible thanks to the presence of small amd medium sized companies.
I wish Banks and government understand this more clearly! Possibly soon.
Joy and Hope for the 2011!

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