Legal tip 430. Wills and Inheritance in Spain:Smoothie International probate
Tuesday, January 18, 2011 @ 12:24 PM
As a foreign national having assets in Spain, you can find yourself in a broad variety of situations depending on what type of assets do you have in your country and in Spain.
The most advisable thing in practical terms is to have a Spanish Lawyer with good acquaintance of the foreign system or viceversa.
This way any of the two will keep both your wills and will be in charge of having the two of them in harmony and updated. This will result in a quick and easy probate procedure at your death.
You can also name in your will in Spain an albacea or contador-partidor ( executor or partitioner), to help with the execution and partition of your will.
We will explain the functions of both executor and partitioner in Spain tomorrow.
Best regards for this commun winter Tuesday,

Grazalema, Cádiz, Spain by Rocio Santiago Piedra at Facebook