Legal tip 435. Foreign self-employment rates growing in Spain
Monday, January 24, 2011 @ 11:58 AM
In preparation for what it will be the future proffessional scenario in Spain for the decades to come, foreign self-employment grew a 5,1% in Cataluña and 10% in Navarra in 2010.
Spain just needs to keep its personality, which makes us attractive abroad. Foreigns will come to work with us and make it highly profitable. Unfortunately the best spanish brains escaped to multinationals during the last 20-30 years.
Now, it is time for them to return or stay and co-work presentially or in the distance with the lovers of our country, for the best of our economy and our people. It will be this way.... I do not have the slightest doubt.
So... british, german, danish, norweigan, swedish... come and stay: this is our Europe, your Europe.
Let´s face the week! Monday is always a difficult day :)
Ps.- If you want to remind the differences between SL and Self-employed, you can click on here

Romero in Grazalema by Paco Ramirez Menacho at Facebook