Latest government measures to create jobs:
- Reductions in the Social Security payments for part time contracts during the first year: 100% reduction for SMEs and 75% reductions for companies of more than 250 workers. The contracts will need to be indefinite or at least of 6 months duration and the workhours will have to be at least of 50% of the general one. These temporary contracts will also have aids if they are trasnformed into permanent at a later phase.
- Proffessional re-qualification programms for people without unemployment aid directed to fields of potential growth such as: tourism, social assistance and renovable energies. These formation actions will be acompanied of a financial aid of 350 euros to the lower incomers during 6 months. Applicants can be those whose unemploymenty aids will end from february 16th 2011, have incomes lower than 75% of the minimum interproffessional wages, are under 30 y/o and are long term unemployed ( at least 12 months within the 18 months previous to contract)
- These aids will de "dependant on availability" ( hum!) and will be supported by the Social European Fund
Today the distribution of resources among regions will be known.
I can see these measures as an urgent and desperate resource to somehow pretend to give a response to the current situation of unemployment in Spain and I do wish this will solve the economies of a good number of families in my country but, the real solution to he problem necessary passes through a deeper renovation in the field of education and proffesional qualification and motivation for the years to come.
Starting with the sense of that being spaniards now necessary, unavoidable, (probably luckily) means to be european first and that in order to fit oursleves within the european market of product and services we need to know, understand and promote in a very deep and proud level what is peculiarly ours and irrepeatable spanish.
Then some actitudes before training and education such as : proactivity and collaboration, international drive, friendly competitiveness, ethical networking, ecology of technology, ownrespect who comes from ownknowledge, marketing tools with a person oriented taste, sense of european community and belonging.....
Are you up for a brain-storm on this?

Inside mountains waterchannels break and water starts coming out of the mountings this way in Grazalema! Awesome
By Rosi Fernández at Facebook